Money is tight. You think you would like to do pay per click marketing to conquer a niche and start making the kind of money that the super affiliates tease you with in those incessant emails that pour into your mail box every day. So what do you do?
I was asking myself that very question when into my email box popped an announcement from someone whose newsletter I had been on for a couple of years. But unlike those other pesky affiliate marketers, this one rarely sent me anything. Which was kind of odd because he was one of the most widely respected and well-known super affiliates of our time. His name is Jeremy Palmer, and he was getting ready to launch something he called the Black Ink Project.
Jeremy had acquired his fame back in 2005 when he released an ebook entitled High Performance Affiliate Marketing, which he now gives away. In it he detailed pretty much everything he knew about how to do successful pay per click marketing. Things that had earned him a Commission Junction Horizon Award for Innovation in 2005 and more than a million dollars in affiliate income annually. His book went on to sell more than 5000 copies.
But then he began to sour on the whole idea of dealing with digital products. The industry, it seemed to him, was awash in false promises and unrealistic marketing copy that brainwashed aspiring affiliates and pretty much guaranteed they would be doomed to failure.
So he took a break from dealing with affiliates on any large scale and went off to perform some experiments on a handful of affiliates that he could mentor one-on-one. Was it possible, he wondered, to teach the things he was doing successfully to others who wanted to achieve that same level of success with pay per click strategies? It didn't work with ebooks, he'd found. Very few of his ebook customers ever went on to do anything with their newfound knowledge. He was sure that a more hands-on approach was needed.
My Black Ink Project Review is a summary of what it was that he eventually came up with.
As for those few lucky affiliates that Jeremy took under his wing - well, 4 out of the 5 he mentored went on to earn more than $10,000/month with their PPC-based affiliate marketing efforts. One went on (with his business partner) to earn a stellar $4 million dollars in the next two years. You can see a video from this same affiliate on my site. Clearly the hands-on approach was a great deal more effective than even Jeremy had thought possible.
So when that email from him popped into my email box that morning, it was to announce that he was accepting an initial 2000 members to partake in a course that would take affiliates from a standing still position to one where they were operating in the black. That is to say, they would have profitable campaigns.
The course proved to be highly instructive, and got the thumbs up all-round. But again, Jeremy wasn't completely satisfied. So he ran a second version of the course, in which he allowed his audience to see every single thing that he normally did to launch a new campaign. Everything from the niche-selection, keyword research, site planning and building, and the final setting up of pay per click campaigns, complete with often overlooked ad-tracking to maximize profits. This course later became known as Black Ink 2.0
For affiliates operating on a shoestring budget, this course will show you how to set up your own profitable affiliate review site from scratch, and spend the least amount of money possible. I even have software that builds this kind of affiliate review site for you, which I give away to course members. You can find out more about that in my Black Ink Project Review at
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High Performance Affiliate Marketing
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